![Apps2ROM [ROOT]](https://images.down122.com/uploads/20250321/logo_67dc635a04b6d1.png)
![Apps2ROM [ROOT]](https://images.down122.com/uploads/20250321/logo_67dc635a04b6d1.png)
Nikmati jutaan aplikasi android terbaru, game, musik, film, TV, buku, majalah & lainnya. Kapan saja, di mana saja, di seluruh perangkat Anda.
Problem with SU access after update? Try resetting permissions
Willing to free up some space or speed-up your applications without uninstalling anything nor tweaking your system?
Apps2ROM is the solution!
Android system is pre-installed on its own space called ROM which is not accessible by end-user. There is usually some wasted free space there?
Saat Anda memperbarui salah satu aplikasi yang telah dipasang sebelumnya (katakanlah Gmail sebagai contoh), Android tidak benar-benar memperbaruinya tetapi "mencela" versi yang telah dipasang sebelumnya dan menginstal instance baru di ruang pengguna Anda, yang menyebabkan ruang bebas yang tersedia berkurang karena beberapa aplikasi duplikat.
What does Apps2ROM do:
- Lists all your applications and indicates their location (System and/or User space).
- Allows you to select user applications you want to move/update to system space.
- Once enabled, on every device boot it will automatically check for selected applications and move them to your system space if found.
-Pada beberapa perangkat (kebanyakan stok rom neo-rooted), fitur mobil-move mungkin tidak berfungsi sehingga Anda dapat mencoba fungsionalitas "pindahkan sekarang" yang kompatibel dengan lebih banyak perangkat.
- Removes System application / bloat-ware
- You need to have ROOT access on your phone.
- Not all application like to be moved to system and will cause them to "Force Close". To resolve, remove the app with Apps2ROM and reinstall it from play store. (Adblock Plus is known to create problems).
- If you have a "Not found" error, try installing busybox, restart and retry.
- Some devices are S-ON which means "Security ON" and prevents from writing to system memory. Apps2ROM cannot work on such devices until you find a way to S-OFF your device. This problem have been reported on some HTC devices.
- Never restore Apps2ROM's data with a backup software as it uses ROM-dependent configuration.
- Selected applications are moved during phone boot time (or immediately with the Move Now button)
- Applications moved to system cannot be uninstalled by standard Android uninstaller. You can remove them with Apps2ROM.
- Please read help menu.
Q: Does Apps2ROM immediately move my applications when I enable it?
A: If you select "Move now", yes, and then your device will be restarted. Jika Anda mengaktifkan APPS2ROM, tidak, aplikasi dipindahkan selama waktu boot telepon untuk mencegah ketidakstabilan (aplikasi menghilang atau macet).
Q: Doesn't Apps2ROM slow-down my phone by checking for updated applications to move?
A: No, Apps2ROM does not launch background process so it will not slow-down your phone. Once you close the application, it stops running and will do its job on phone reboot only.
Q: Why to I need ROOT access?
A: Apps2ROM needs ROOT access in order to write in your system ROM.
Q: Isn't it dangerous to write in system ROM?
A: Just be careful not to fill too much your system ROM. There is a security margin of 10MB that can be lowered in preferences (decrease it at your own risks!).
Q: You said it can speed up applications?
A: It does it indirectly. Jika Anda menggunakan beberapa program APPS2SD, dengan membebaskan beberapa ruang dengan APPS2ROM, Anda mungkin dapat memindahkan beberapa aplikasi kembali ke memori yang akan membuat mereka memuat lebih cepat. People using high-end devices with a lot of user memory will most likely not see any benefits.
Q: After restarting my device, applications haven't been moved.
A: Be sure Apps2ROM asked for super user permissions. If you have a stock ROM it most likely won't work. Try the "Move now" functionality. If it still don't work, try installing busybox if you don't already have it. If it still don't work, enable "debug" in advanced preferences and report the exact error to developer.
Q: Where are system and user app located on the my device?
A: System app are stored in /system/app/ and user app usually are in /data/app/
People having problems with Apps2ROM, please consider contacting me before giving a low valuation as you might help me fixing your problem. Terima kasih
Daftar tingkat definitif kami dari semua ras dalam pengalaman Rune Slayer Roblox - buat reroll ras itu sepadan!
Ambil kedua medali di sini!
Jika Anda mencari semua NPC di Fortnite Bab 6 Musim 2, maka tidak perlu mencari lagi, karena kami memiliki semua informasi.
Temukan bit dill di sini!
Di situs web kami, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengunduh versi terbaru Apps2ROM [ROOT]! Tidak perlu registrasi atau SMS!